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About Us

Evergreen Elementary School currently educates and cares for over 400 students.  Those students are supported by more than 70 certified and classified staff members, including a full-time school social worker.  The school mascot is Mervyn, a Mustang, and our school color is green. We are proud that Evergreen is a Title I School receiving additional supports and resources while serving a population of nearly 50% receiving free or reduced-price meals.

Washington State OSPI Report Card

The school provides a wide range of supports to children in addition to the regular K-5 classes, including all-day Kindergarten, Resource Room, a Developmental Learning Center and an EL (English language) program. Students have access to the YMCA before and after-school program as well. Our students can also access The Boys and Girls Club after school, as well as the Morningside tutoring program. 

Our school is fortunate to have a wonderful Parent Teacher Organization - Evergreen PTO, and we are grateful for the support we receive from our many parent volunteers. Evergreen parents help by volunteering in many areas, including classrooms, with art projects, and fundraising.

Evergreen is a PBIS school, which stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Support.  Essentially, at Evergreen we teach our kiddos how to behave in a school setting—in classrooms, on the playground, in the halls, in the cafeteria, and in other common areas around the building.  Students are provided feedback for their attention to the expectations.

Our feeder school system is comprised of quality elementary schools. These schools feed into two comprehensive high schools. Evergreen Elementary feeds into Highland Middle School. Our students move on to Mead High School.  All schools offer numerous opportunities—academically, artistically, and athletically.

Evergreen Scorecard - Click image for printable PDF
First page of the PDF file: EvergreenScorecard